Arne Sacnussem Memorial Revolutionary Brigade

ASMRB Club on Yahoo (updated 1/99)

Check out the ASMRB Club on Yahoo. We are using Yahoo's new club capabilities for messaging, chat, news, and calendaring.

Server Moved (updated 1/99)

We've just moved our web pages from another ISP, so parts of these pages may be out of date or broken. Let us know if you see any problems.

Member Home Pages (updated 2/03)

Rails to Rich Bar (updated 7/98)

Back in June of 1998 we held an old-west LARP (live action role-playing game) called "Rails to Rich Bar" We hope to have more details on the game, but meanwhile, here are a bunch of unsorted pictures from the run.

The ASMRB WWW Server is Maintained By:

Christopher Allen
1563 Solano Ave. #353
Berkeley, CA 94707-2116