Jonas A. Atherton

STR	10	0
DEX 	11	3
CON 	12	4
BOD 	10	0
INT 	13	3
EGO 	20	20
PRE 	15	5
COM 	10	0
PD 	6	4
ED 	2	0
SPD 	3	9
REC 	4	0
END 	24	0
STUN 	25	4

subtotal      52

2	WF:  small arms
2	WF:  common melee
2	WF:  common missile
5	+1 with small arms
6	+2 with rifles
1	TF:  Aerial Flyer Trimsman
1	TF:  Aerial Flyer Pilot
5	Riding, 11- (+ pacyosaurus, gashant)
5	Mechanics, 12-
3	PS:  steam engineer, 13-
5	Survival, 12-
3	Tracking, 12-
3	Navigation, 11-
7	Persuasion, 14-
1	High Society, 8-
8	Gentry social class
4	KS:  Mars, 13-
3	KS:  Syrtis Major, 12-
2	KS:  Martian aerial vessels, 11-
5	Gaaryani (several dialects)
4	Oenotrian

77	subtotal
Disadvantages:  75+
5	Age:  over 40
15	Hunted by Worm Cult, 8- (paid off)
10	Loyal to England
10	Various Dislikes:  
	-- High Martians, Irish, etc.
5	Heavy Drinker

129	total

25	EP earned
24	EP spent

Atherton was born in 1846, second son of a prosperous Manchester machine shop 
owner. After a variety of jobs for foundrys, railroads, and shipyards, he was 
hired as one of the workmen for the first British yards at Syrtis Major, about 
ten years ago. He soon was hired away by one of the Martian cities to improve 
their own ships. Various industrial and commercial opportunities have come and 
gone since then:  liftwood harvesting, ship building, electrification schemes, 
mining ... all the lot of the hard-working Victorian man of science and industry.

Much of the last ten years he spent at a variety of Martian cities. The animosity 
of the various anti-human cults was not assuaged by his surviving a number of 
assassination attempts; the resulting reprisals by his princely employers only 
made him more of a target. 

Atherton has made and lost a lot of money; he has returned to Earth with enough 
to afford a house, carriage, servants and a good club.

Height:  5’11”	Weight:  182 lbs. (13 stone)
Hair:  graying brown	Eyes:  blue

1889 Index Page