Milo Ionopoulos
Background:A native of Ouranos, a world settled early on by (modern) Greek-speaking colonists. A decades-long conflict, covertly backed by the Solarian League, resulted in his world being dominated by another colony world (which in turn is controlled by the League). Milo was bred and trained as a special operations medic for the Epouranios Strateuma; with the end of the war, he fled Ouranos and found employment on the worldship. He drinks Megalos Mpyra, a nasty beer-like liquor from his home world, when he gets homesick; his native language is a dialect of Modern Greek. He was created infertile.
Appearance: roughly a very fit Caucasian with brown hair, but several extra orifices and other oddities
Height: 2 meters; age: 44
10 STR (0), 14 DEX (12), 18 CON (16), 14 BOD (8), 13 INT (3), 10 EGO (0), 10 PRE (0), 8 COM (-1)
2 PD (0/0), 4 ED (0/0), 3 SPD (2.4/6), 10 REC (6/4), 36 END (0/0), 35 STUN (28/7) = 55 points
5 pts: comlink implant
5 pts: eidetic memory implant
25 pts: 2d6 aid missing BOD, delay 1 phase, must remain in 'biological' contact
20 pts: 6d6 aid any reduced stat, can heal limbs, delay 1 day, must remain in 'biological' contact
12 pts: smell - passive, 360 degree descriminatory sense
3 pts: immune to diseases
= 70 points
3 pts: WF power guns
3 pts: WF small arms
1 pt: portable rocket launcher
1 pt: tactics 8-
3 pts: demolitions 11-
1 pt: programming 8-
1 pt: bureaucratics 8-
3 pts: ship systems 12-
1 pt: TF zero-G
1 pt: TF environment suits
1 pt: TF shuttles and ships boats
3 pts: survival (jungle) 12-
3 pts: concealment 12-
3 pts: stealth 12-
3 pts: climbing 12-
3 pts: breakfall 12-
8 pts: paramedic/first aid 17-
7 pts: Science: medicine 14-
2 pts: PS: surgeon 11-
4 pts: language: Terran Galactic
= 55 points
10 pts: distinctive looks - orifices, implant fittings, bio-enhancements (concealable, causes reaction)
15 pts: psych - will sacrifice self to save team-mates (common, strong)
5 pts: distrust and dislike of Moslems (uncommon)
10 pts: despised by Terrans and others that hate gene-mod humans
15 pts: vulnerable to nanotech attacks (Stun, BOD, and other effects; uncommon)
= 55 points
Stats 55 + Powers 70 + Skills 55 = 180 points; - 55 Disads - 0 EXP spent = 125 Base
Space Game Character List